1月17日讯 在NBA常规赛中,步行者客场挑战活塞。当前步行者以22胜19负的战绩排在东部第六,而活塞则紧随其后,以21胜19负暂列第七。
- 特纳:28分、1助攻、3篮板、2抢断、3盖帽
- 西亚卡姆:26分、7助攻、7篮板、4抢断
- 哈利伯顿:17分、8助攻、4篮板
- 内姆哈德:12分، 6助攻، 4篮板، 3抢断
- 内史密斯:9分、一篮板
- 沃克 :8 分 , 1 助 攻 ,5 篮 板,2 蓋 帽 li >
< li >托平:7 分,5 篮 板< / li >
< li >麦康纳:2 分,5 助 攻,5 篮 板< / li >
< li >谢泼德:2 分< / l i >
< l i >< b r a y n t:< span style="color:red">6 籃版
ul >
活 塞 (21 -20):& nbsp; strong > p >Cunningham:  ;20 points &&nb sp;9 assists  ;and  ;four rebounds. </ l i >& amp ; < \item 小 哈 达 威 :25 点 ,四个 胶水 \end{ itemize } \begin{itemize} {Duren}:17 point s and also had seventeeen boards with two blocks. {Harris} scored ten points along w ith two assist s and four reboun ds . O samou added eight po ints wi th three assis ts an d seven re bounds . Sasser contributed six poi nts while Fo ntai ki o chipped in five wit h tw o board s . H olan finished the game with four point s whil e Beasley ad ded thr ee poin ts alongside his t wo boar ds . Stewart ended up scoring only two but he managed to dish out fo ur assists as well as grab thirteen rebounds.