1月9日讯 在2024赛季中超联赛中,长春亚泰曾以1-8的悬殊比分败给北京国安,引发了广泛关注。在接受“懒熊体育”记者赵宇专访时,谢晖谈到了那场比赛的失利及其应对之道。
谢晖:If I fail again, I'll just move on to coaching the next level. 只要还有下一个级别,我就继续努力。就像我刚才所说,只要每天早上能看到一群球员、草地和足球,以及周末赢得比赛的快乐,就足够了。这是我的使命。如果能够理解这一点,就没有什么好害怕的。
记者: strong > 带着 亚 泰 队 在 工体 输 给 北京 国 安 的 比 赛 中 , 您 当 时 心 情 如何? p > < p >< strong > 谢 晖 : strong > 那是一种真实写照。在我的职业生涯中经历过很多负面的情况,我认为这不是坏事。我告诉球员们,在1997年代表申花队在工体作战,我们渴望胜利,因为前两年的获胜机会有限。而我们人员配置也具备取胜可能性。然而谁知国安队通过几次快速反击全部进球,最终以1比9落败。我记得有位NBA 球员被问到如何面对失败,他回答:“我们这个行业里没有真正意义上的失败。” 他还质疑那个采访者是否每年都有升职,如果某一年没升职,那也是一种“失败”吗?对于运动员来说,这样的问题屡见不鲜。迈克尔·乔丹虽然六度夺冠,但他仍有九个年份未能获奖,那是不是可以称为他的“失败”?我们的行业不存在所谓成功或失败,而只有重新振作向前走的人生态度。
<强烈> 기자: span > 然而,在那场比赛结束后你的脸色显得很差劲 。 强调> span > P > <强烈> : as a coach , i definitely don’t want such scenes to happen . but now that it has happened , one must bear responsibility for it . this year there have been several matches where i didn’t sleep well after the game and this was one of them. For example, we lost in our first two games with Meizhou Hakka at home. These “failures” drive me even harder to work diligently in order to win back those matches.
I told my players they need to focus more on what happens during the match rather than solely results; that's part of psychological guidance too. As elite competitors, it's crucial for us all develop better self-regulation skills so when we fall down - getting right back up quickly is key! In tennis tournaments athletes often find themselves having multiple moments throughout each contest where they face possible defeat before recovering fully—there’s much greater fluctuation compared soccer itself since victory or loss can come within seconds depending upon one's ability stick through tough times!"How late did you sleep after losing by 8 goals?" em> b /> font color="#3333ff">: 【】 : 重量较重 】】【 【 】 : <強調/> 強調 > & nbsp;